Monday, October 11, 2010


Half-way done portrait.

A3 skecth book doodles..Did this before sem2 starts..

Brought a ballet magazine to study..

haha....untitled..mix mix.

That's not porn,haha..
It's 贞子变人鱼!!!
haha..animals and wicked witch's hand..hahaha..
(I know I am lame..)
Sometimes..Drawing figure homework memang mang zang..
HMMM~but once you finished it,you'll feel darn happy..
"finally finishedddd! oh myyy...i can't believe I did it!"
ahhaha..then you'll be satisfied.
Hmm,usually i'll do some touch up work at the end la..
cause my main problem is my color toning.not dark enough..
I'm trying I'm trying...
Ivan said we can't draw depend on our mood.
True la.We cannot let our mood control us..
Draw non-stop people,DRAW!!!
walao eh...people,it's 1.31 in the morning now...
and a cat just walked pass my homework table..
I wonder how it get in...=_=
You scared me la(talking to the cat)
hmm..It's cute though~ ahahaha..
meow meow~~
(hey where's the disappeared..ceh..)


Anonymous said...

i want the rabbit sketches

Angel said...

haha...alright..but tell me hu u are 1st la..XD