Totally lost our contact.
SHU MEI!!! where the hell are you now?!
it's been 2 years we did not met each other if im not mistaken.
I remember her lame lame jokes.
And those time having girl's talk while we're bathing in school's toilet,during band camp.
She's good in baking :9 she went to study culinary arts in Penang after graduate.
Aww I miss her.. D;
Me Ying tong and Shu mei used to hang out after band cause we're going back home together..(mum fetch all of us back. XD)
I remember,she's tough.she's playing the largest bass drum for a few years.
Cool..I always love bass drums, so does Ying Tong. XD
I still remeber,MJ,Yee ching and pooi kuan was watching our rehearsal video.
And this place.."lil Genting"!!
Was student's hang out restaurant. And we all considered this restaurant is Samtet and AMC's hot spot. XD
Yeah...cause the samtet guys always come here to meet their amc girl friends~
mmm...I love the chicken chop rice there! delicious~
Yeah.. Our first time-indoor band competition after taking part in outdoor competition for so many years.
In one of the concert hall,PWTC.
It's a good experience! I remember there's one band playing walt disney's piece. and they were all in black. cool~~
I finally know why Mr Ho love indoor band so much..
We were practicing in one of the classroom at dunno which school already.hahaha!
where ah?
I remember,all of us were exhausted!
some of use even fall asleep on he floor.I have the picture with me. hahaha!
But some of them sill playing duets.
Like these to hornists.
HAHAH! After that quartet.
Hehhh...I miss other section's people..D;
We all played like sot last time..And I used to laugh alot that time.
Yeah.We were so lucky that time.
Took this picture with ye ching,pooikuan,ying tong and shu mei.
this is our old bandroom.We were practicing for our drumbattle competition.
We performed in our school that day, that's why we were wearing our Beijing T shirt and kosin's wristband on our hands.
Epic picture of Ying tong.
cause somebody don't know what is............
These hardworking people.hahahah!
Looking smart! thats what I love about u guys.
The freaky ones.
Pokok and Yee Leng.
You guys made me and ying tong laugh like mad.hahahahah!
doing yoga? exercise?? what was that?!
Too stress i guess??
I remember the conductor was teaching the others,except us,percussion.hahahah!
Behind the scenes.
Where's the 5th bass drum by the way?
Photo shooting day+band camp.
ARGH! I can really feel our power that time, XD
Hmm..but cymbal and bell player were not there in the picture ==''
We used to say "percussion USHHHH!" :)
oh yeahh~ We really rocked out there in stadium Perak!
It worths.After staying up late to practice :)..
And . nobody complains about it actually. Good thing !
KLWMBC Drumbattle2008.
Oh wow,we're in front of Pavilion! HAHAH!!!
AMC VS Chomsurang (thai marching band)
Geng punyaaaa...
Oh yeah, I remember we VS Victoria Ex members...hahah! they wear red shirts and sunglasses.
Playing funky beats.. XD
Never forget this experience in my life.
I wish to play with all of you all one day when we're back.
Cherish your time in band with your friends.
It's the best experience in our life.