Monday, December 16, 2013

End of sem 1.

Here's some videos of what I saw around The Forum.

WOW, they have random dancers dancing around!

Bought this for my niece in my sister's tummy Zoe~~
I bought dogs cause I feel that my sister's family is more
associated with doggies. Doggies everywhere!

Barn owl who tries to
ignore us photographing it.

2 Sad looking reindeers, :(

Turkey time.
Didin't eat turkey meat for a long long time.

HOHO super cute!!

Lovely ceramic pendant by our product design students.

what I bought from the lil mini Xmas market.

Monster "ink".



Gave this 2 to Joanne and Ashley cause I met them. HAHA

Mr faiz and me.
AH, he became another faiz.

Faiz's pet.
Super cute kitty.

This is one of the best thing i ever had.
With fudge brownies man!!

/// Relax mode ///

So I finished my 26+ pages dissertation.
It's a long run man, they said my eyes look very dead and I have red eyes.
Yeah. I didn't really sleep actually.
And I have to wake up after 9 hours later to prepare, and say bye to Hatfield Hi to Dublin.

Yes, I'm going to Dublin (Ireland) and Paris for a week!!!!!

I'm actually very tired now.
But feels a little excited.HEHE HEHEHE HEHEHEHE.
Must bring my sketchbook along!!!
I am seriously very tired now. Gotta sleep soon..

So I won't be bringing laptop, so I won't be updating blog or anyone of you in 7 days.
Unless I got free wifi, HAHAHA.
Gotta faint soon.
Take care!!1

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