Monday, December 14, 2009

I Love Living Cabin

Walaoooo....I cant stop myself when i walk into Living cabin...
I will become a monster there...

All those things inside damn CUTE!!! and i love it so so so much!!!

Christmas is around the corner,whole family started to listen X'mas song...
Waaa~~i got a feeling~ hahaha...
Although we are not christians,but we still celebrate Xmas and take it as an important day..
We love Christmas very very much...
Ahhhh! Rudolf the rednose raindeer,ta la nanana nana...
Yor......I really wanna buy all Xmas thingi in Living Cabin..
the candle holder..The present stockings...The Santa headwear...Raindeers..The big head santa...the snowman..Small Xmas tree...Bells...some nice shiny chains...hangings.....bla bla bla..
lots of lots of things wanna BUY!!!!
URGHHH!!! I don't have enough cash to buy all that i brought something cute..see..
The 1st one is for mummy,let her hang on the door..
2nd one is for my two more,snowflakes...not in the cute~~~
3rd one is for me and both of my lovely sista~one for you,one for you,and one for me..
the big chicken is my big sis's birthday present,owe her long long time edi..XD
this is our 定情信物...hahaha...Im the cat,meow..2nd is the penguin...cause no doggies there..too bad..
The panda in the last pic is a dustbin actually...And I brought myself an alarm clock..
Simple and nice...=)
Really Really Really don't wanna go out man...
I brough my diary there...a cute and nice one..
I saw some ribbons there,cutenyeee....but kinda expensive..ToT
I spent rm100 something in there this time i wanna buy a santa candle...
hahahaha...Love this place man!!!

I Love Living Cabin♥

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