Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nose + Desk Rage

Yes not edited, only lighting.
Trying to smile a little and open my eyes a little more.
Ignore the person behind, hAHAHAH!!!
His teeth is hunting him, growing in the weird direction,
look at his face, a little bigger right :P
HAHA also he gre more flesh XD
My face look thin here -_-)
But arms definitely original. 200%.

/// NOSE ///

Huge arms. Huge nose. Huge butt.
Huge like a giant.

Are my eyes always so tired?
and do I always look so tired?
I always cover up my nose and check my face,
wow, I will be totally different if i have a slightly smaller nose.
(-_-) It's not good to complain how I look like.. But.
Not to say complain but just feel that I can be a little better?
Nose job.......................But it's risky.

Make up can cover small eyes, pale lips, big fat face,
but not NOSE. Make up can only make your nose look more 3D but not changing the shape.
I cannot change it, hmm, how can I have a smaller nose man.
That Turkish friend used to call me chestnut cause he thinks my nose looks like chestnut.
Okay it's cute but.
Chestnut is big. BIG.
It's okay to be big, I already accepted the fact, and okay,
I shall see it as cute. (ToT)
It's personal okay, own aesthetic judgement.

I did try to accept who I am, I succeed once, but sometimes...
I just doubt myself. DOUBT.
Not pretty = not pretty. I will never be that pretty.
Was talking about cosmetics with suhan just now.
Right, I hate mascara from the beginning, especially during my sister's wedding dinner.
My Buddha!!! Mascara seriously sticks my eyes together, lashes are sticking to bottom lashes when I blink.
That's one of the problem, next, the fake lashes.
Even the natural looking lashes have quite a weight! It's really heavy.
Look at those thick and long ones, I respect those girls who wears them everyday, respect.
Really heavy, you gotta apply one layer of mascara first before layering the fake on on top,
then apply again after that to make them stick and longer.
seriously. My eyes are exhausted.
I still need to take photos that day -_-)
Never gonna wear fake lashes if not necessary, too much work also it's not natural at all.
Lashes will never be my forte.

I realized I really don't know how to judge my own face, how to apply cosmetics to make it look better.
Basic ones are really basic.
SIGH. I desperately need a make up class and some nice facial mask.
It's been so long i never have anything moisturizing my face, feels like my face have many layers
of heavy dirt, germs, pores, pimples.
URGH I felt so sad looking at my reflection through any reflecting materials.
I look awful. Tired, aunty, ugly.
Sigh. And people do judge people's face thats for sure.

/// DESK RAGE ///

Came across an articles about Desk Rage.
It's a "disease" spreading rapidly around the world, about office workers getting stressed and frustrated before their own desks.
Yes, technical problem is one of the reason.
Unable to focus cause of noisy environment affects too.
ARGH This is always happening to me.
True, when I'm working with that serious face, don't.. keep talking to me.
And don't even touch me, sometimes massaging my shoulders cracks my nerve too.

This evening a mate of mine discussed about his work, my face immediately changed, says my boyfriend.
Maybe I didn't noticed about it, but sorry babe, when there's work for me,
I will be really serious and my head will be thinking about it all the time, digesting and trying to work things out.
100% focus on it, and I cannot accept anything that cuts me out while discussing about works.
It's about semangat la....... ARGH!!! I feel good to be thinking about assignments and such.
I felt alive because of assignments, not only freelance work.

Sorry about that, My tone is not that good while answering your questions  :'(
Too focus is not a good thing too huh?
Again, I'm being like the old days. When work comes, seriousness comes along.
I am not mad, or frustrated, but my serious face, people totally misjudged it.
My lip's problem. I watched a plastic surgery clinic's ad about lip surgery , about how it affects
your smiling look and the expression.
Face problem. sad.

Plastic surgery? :P

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